Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What's Are the First Two Things You Think Of When You Think Penn State?

As part of Pennsylvania's new right-to-know law, the Commonwealth is required to post all of its contracts online. The law does not go into effect until next January, but the the contract database went online yesterday. I'll be putting up a link to it over on the right soon. [The link is up under the Right-To-Know heading.]

I decided to give the database a spin. But what to search for? Well, why not look at the contracts which Penn State has signed with the state. I only found one in the database. It is a multi-year alcohol; educational grant that the University received from the Liquor Control Board in 2006 for $250,000. The contract and supporting material such as periodic reports are posted in a pdf file. I decided to rummage through it to see if I could find anything interesting. It didn't take long.

Read this document on Scribd: PSU PLCB

That's right, the PLCB was concerned that Penn State would use the funds for propaganda. Is it just Penn State that the PLCB was concerned with or is this a standard clause in their contracts? Well, the PLCB gave out a bunch of educational grants this year. You can find and peruse them by searching the database for all PLCB contracts. Many of them are to colleges. None of these contracts, at least that I could find, have a similar clause.

Apparently, the first two things the folks in Harrisburg think of when they think Penn State are alcohol abuse and propaganda and they are out to stop both.

They've got Graham's number.

Technorati Tags: Penn State, alcohol abuse, PLCB, Spanier, propaganda

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