Friday, April 17, 2009

Context Comes a Few Weeks Late

The Collegian finally got around to reporting the Old Main's lobbying against the Employee Free Choice Act today. The reporter, Ryan Pfister, does a pretty good job explaining what the University did.

...[A]ccording to a lobbying report filed by Penn State that covers activities from October to December of 2008, Penn State lobbied against the EFCA in the U.S. House of Representatives. The university "urged members to oppose this measure as it would change the current union election system by leaving workers unprotected from outside influences," according to the report.

The report lists four Penn State employees who "acted as a lobbyist in this issue area": Sheilah Borne, Zachery Moore, Richard DiEugenio and Margaret Sheely.

There's no ambiguity there. Old Main opposed the bill last year. Pfister gets a comment from  university Bullshitter, Geoff Rushton, who said
...the university is not taking an official position on the EFCA and said no money had been spent on lobbying about the issue. He said a lobbyist, whom he would not identify, did make an "inquiry" about a congressman's position on the EFCA, but did not attempt to influence the congressman's position.

"There was no urging on Penn State's part to take a position either way on the bill," he said.

I wonder how much you have to pay someone like Rushton to lie like that in the face of facts? Geoff don't you feel dirty? Or does the money make it all better for you?

The take away its that Old Main got caught union busting  red handed and now they are lying about it. Great example you're setting there Graham.

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