Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Go Away, Go Away.... Don't Bother Me!

Last Friday, Old Main couldn't hold back. It had to tell the world that it was very proud to even be mentioned in this year's ranking of Children's Hospitals by US News and World Report. Today brings another medical ranking and so far the Penn State Propaganda Portal hasn't seen fit to mention it.

The American Medical Student Association ranked medical centers on their conflict of interest policies with regard to drug companies. Each medical center was assigned a letter grade. Penn State earned itself an F. On the other hand, UPMC and Penn each received one of the seven A's which were given to the 150 medical centers that were graded.

Penn State received an F because it refused to participate in the ranking. Now, it's possible that the policy at Penn State is just as good or even better than those at Pitt or Penn, but Old Main decided to keep a bushel over its light..... Yeah, right.

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